Lot  525 Ravenel Spring Auction 2013 Hong Kong

Ravenel Spring Auction 2013 Hong Kong

Float to Sukhavati

LI Chen (Taiwanese, 1963)


Bronze, edition no. 3/8

98(L) x 52(W) x 70(H) cm


TWD 4,615,000-7,308,000

HKD 1,200,000-1,900,000

USD 154,200-244,200

Sold Price

TWD 7,846,154

HKD 2,040,000

USD 262,887


Engraved Li Chen in Chinese and English, numbered 3/8 and dated 2002
Shanghai International Biennial Urban Sculpture Exhibition, Shanghai, China, Nov. 18, 2005 - Mar. 17, 2006
The Contemporary Road of Media and Tradition - TOP 10 Chinese Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition, Asia Art Center, Beijing, April 7 - May 6, 2007

Li Chen Sculpture 1992-2002, Asia Art Center, Taipei, 2004, color
illustrated, p. 95
The Contemporary Road of Media and Tradition - TOP 10 Chinese Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition, Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2007, color illustrated, p. 51
Li Chen in Venice 52nd Venice Biennale – Energy of Emptiness, Asia Art Center, 2007, color illustrated, p. 144
Li Chen in Beijing - In Search of Spiritual Space, Asia Art Center, Taipei, 2008, color illustrated, pp. 76-83; black-and-white illustrated, p. 197

This sculpture is to be sold with a certificate of authenticity issued by Asia Art Center, Tiapei.


"Float to Sukhavati" is an important creation of Li Chen's series of "Free Wandering Spirits". He infuses the design of contemporary sculpture into the oriental artistic characteristic of spatial sense. Between yin and yan, emptiness and reality, flows the "qi". The spiritual sense emitted from the sculpture is so clean and fresh, that it is like standing in the snow under the bright full moon or looking at the reflection of blue sky and white clouds in the water. The artist has come to realize the inner soul of the object and understood the wisdom beyond the physical world. While his imagination traveling in the sky, he brings to his audience a lively spirit of life.

"Float to Sukhavati was completed in 2002. Li Chen once described this work: "Immortals are those who enjoy tranquility and freedom and forget where they are. Through the operation of nature, harmonious clouds can be naturally made to carry them. Following the way of nature, they always keep well." Li Chen is very good at tackling the contrasted relation between the lightness and heaviness of massive objects. His works are full of fairy-like imagination, of children's innocence and amusement, and of carefree floating on the top of the clouds. Their looks and gestures give people a self-assured and relaxed sense. The clouds are so light yet safe to bring you anywhere you would like to go. When looking at his works, audience will indulge in a spiritual journey so that their minds and hearts can become crystal clear and will unconsciously make an insinuating smile. The ideal spiritual world of Li Chen's works, the sense of humor and the broad internal transformation, as well as a clear and tranquil temperament constitute the unique style of Li Chen.

Globalization is accelerating communication and interaction among the multitudes of human cultures and the boundaries between existing cultures are disappearing rapidly. While globalization is a universal concept that makes life easier for all, it does not unify cultures. In that sense the individualism of unique cultures is more important and precious now than it has even been before.

The artist Li Chen was born in central Taiwan, and in his expansive studies of Buddhist and Taoist scriptures he seeks truth beyond the material world. He uses sculpture to convey the spirit and allusions of Eastern culture, taking the idea of "Emptiness", or "Void", as his central creative aesthetic concept. These are important concepts in Chinese Buddhi stand Taoist cultures . But "Emptiness" in Buddhism does not mean "Nothing". Instead it connotes a vast and calm understanding of one's existence in the world. In the same vein, there is a Taoist saying that goes: "When emptiness is broken, the earth loses its balance"; it describes an extreme state of disturbing the balance of things as pursued though the idea of interconnectivity.

Li Chen's sculptures investigate the energy of such emptiness , and his sculptural forms are not empty, but instead are full of a vital energy. He achieves this through an energetic and spiritual style that uses exaggerated shapes and dark black lacquer to create a spiritual matter that people can absorb. But the sculptures also convey emotions that are sweet, romantic, happy and satisfied. For this reason, though some of his works may be massive, they don't appear oppressive and heavy. Instead they seem to be floating in the air, exhibiting an alluring ambiguity between lightness and heaviness.

Li Chen also makes breakthroughs in the already-existing styles of Buddhist sculpture that have existed over thousands of years. He alters the thick and full Tang Dynasty (A.D. 618–907) style Buddhist sculptures and the elegantly spiritual characteristics of Song Dynasty (A.D. 960-1279) sculptures, reaching an extreme simplification in both face and line. He extracts elements of China's five thousand years of history and culture, including Chinese immortals, Buddhas, dragons, fairy tales and folk tales, etc. and takes them a step further, creating contemporary artistic work from them. He successfully combines classical and contemporary perspectives and creates works that are unprecedented and unique forms, endowing new life to Eastern sculpture.

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Modern & Contemporary Art

Ravenel Spring Auction 2013 Hong Kong

Sunday, May 26, 2013, 6:30pm