Lot  110 Ravenel Autumn Auction 2006

Ravenel Autumn Auction 2006

Indistinct Landscape

JI Dachun (Chinese, 1968)


Mixed media on canvas

200 x 150 cm


TWD 1,200,000-2,200,000

HKD 286,000-524,000

USD 36,700-67,300

Sold Price

TWD 2,006,000

HKD 485,362

USD 62,067


Ji Dachun,Soka Art Center, Beijing, 2004, color illustrated, no. 75, p. 123 & p.172


Those artists who was born in the 70s gave art a new look, they not only looked further, but also have the knowledge they needed, this makes them the most active and hopeful artists in the art scene, especially Ji Dachun among them. Ji is widely discussed for his unique art style. His paintings are humorous, quite, romantic, poetic and "zenish". In today's world that measures through devices, images, pictures, and multimedia prevails, Ji's adherence to the canvas on the stand manifests the charm and the meaning of his works.

No matter portraits, little men, or fake landscapes he painted, they all stay in the middle of the canvas, with white spaces around, hollow yet quite. There's a sense of tradition in his paintings, it doesn't means that he paints only traditional things or through a traditional way, it is how the picture could make the audience feel that way, he doesn't pursue that kind of style intentionally, just the way how he wants to paint it, and to communicate with. His paintings are interesting and smart, wisdom and humor lies within. Perhaps it all came from his personality, sincere like a child. However, there are yet more ideals and spirits in them, to him, paintings are not just about techniques. The non-stop pursuing of humanism is his ultimate goal.

Obviously, Ji doesn't want his paintings turn out to be a description of history, it seems like he wants to return to the purist aspect of history, and delivery a humble humor. Beside his unique eastern vision on history, he also shows his feelings as a teenager; images suddenly become a flat world that could be excluded from the history. On this level, images have become unrestricted memories, and through them, you could reach for the freedom inside those images. This is Ji Dachun.

Related Info

The 20th & 21st Century Chinese Art

Ravenel Autumn Auction 2006

Sunday, December 3, 2006, 12:00am