Lot  109 Ravenel Autumn Auction 2006

Ravenel Autumn Auction 2006

Three Artists from Guizhou

JI Dachun (Chinese, 1968)


Mixed media on canvas

150 x 109 cm


TWD 1,600,000-2,200,000

HKD 381,000-524,000

USD 49,000-67,300

Sold Price

TWD 1,770,000

HKD 428,260

USD 54,765


Signed upper center Dachun and dated 2003 in Chinese


ART TAIPEI 2006, Art Galleries Association R.O.C, Taipei, May 5-9, 2006


Fan Di-an ed., The 1st Annual Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art, Beijing, 2005, color illustrated, p. 244


The value of painting is in how it creates an inner world where the image itself can be free. Ji Dachun has achieved this, reflecting not only his fantasies and obsessions with the world but also conveying the allure of the painting itself in a very lively manner: hesitation, affirmation, revision, suggestion, ornamentation and obfuscation. This direct method of working seems more like a psychological test done in the form of a painting. Creatively speaking, this meets Ji Dachun's need for a simple yet rich method of expression.

In his completed artwork, we can sense his elegant rebellion. He is only exploring anew the potential of painting rather than totally abandoning his paintbrush. In terms of "likeness", he has made imagery a subjective method of expressing one's own personal character and a humorous transformation. Beyond this, Dachun is also continuing to press himself on the meaning of classic arts in order to give his paintings more modernity. In other words, the painting is itself an experiment in painting. In one sense, Ji Dachun's painting can be considered the use of Western modern perspectives and graphical models to rediscover the spirit of modernity within traditional visual arts.

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The 20th & 21st Century Chinese Art

Ravenel Autumn Auction 2006

Sunday, December 3, 2006, 12:00am