Lot  746 Ravenel Autumn Auction 2018

Ravenel Autumn Auction 2018


H: 15 cm


TWD 100,000-200,000

HKD 26,000-51,000

USD 3,300-6,600

CNY 23,000-45,000

Sold Price

TWD 108,000

HKD 27,411

USD 3,503

CNY 24,324

This lot is of a cylindrical form rising from a flat base fitted with a central plug, the thick wood walls of a rich patina and attractively figured with irregular dark brown streaks. The literati during late Ming early Qing dynasty sought after the natural state of things including objects without any decoration.
This lot is of a cylindrical form rising from a flat base fitted with a central plug, the thick wood walls of a rich patina and attractively figured with irregular dark brown streaks. The literati during late Ming early Qing dynasty sought after the natural state of things including objects without any decoration.

Related Info

Connoisseurship II: The Literati Sale

Ravenel Autumn Auction 2018

Saturday, December 1, 2018, 4:30pm