Born in Tokyo, Japan. Takashi Murakami received his P.h.D from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music in 1993. His work is diverse and prolific; ranging from the coordination of GEISAI, collaborations with Roppongi Hills, Louis Vuitton, and Yuzu. Main solo shows: 2001 "Summon monsters? Open the door? Heal? Or die?", Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo; 2002"Kaikai Kiki: Takashi Murakami", fondation Cartier, Paris. In 2007 he held a large-scale retrospective installation "©MURAKAMI" at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA; Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY; Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt, Germany. In September 2010, Murakami exhibited some of his works at the Palace of Versailles in France, filling 15 rooms with his sculptures.
Takashi MURAKAMI 村上隆