Chinese 1906-2002
Wang Jiqian, or C.C. Wang, was born in Suzhou, China. A renowned art collector in New York, Wang was esteemed worldwide as an expert connoisseur and scholar of Chinese paintings and calligraphy art. Records of his interviews were translated into Chinese and published under the title, C.C Wang Reflects on Paintings. The National Palace Museum Taipei published the dialogues in a series of 16 articles in the National Palace Museum Journal from 1984 to 1985, which received tremendous feedbacks. Wang came from a family of artists and scholars and grew up surrounded by an extensive collection of arts. Beyond his family influence, Wang studied painting with renowned painters, Gu Linsh, at an earlier age, and Wu Hufan during his years as a law student at Soochow University, Shanghai. Wang devoted over 75 years of his life to studies and collection of Chinese paintings and calligraphy works and several decades ago he conferred part of his collection to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. His personal publications include “Paintings and Calligraphy Works of C.C. Wang”,” Collection of C.C. Wang Landscape Paintings” and “Hill and Valleys in the Mind”, and co-authored work, “Seals of Chinese Painters and Collectors”.