Born in 1954 in Wuhan, China, Li Bangyao gradu- ated from the Art Department of Hubei Academy of Art, China. He teaches as a professor in the Art De- partment of South China Normal University since 1993. He has participated in exhibitions like "the 12th, 13th, 14th Asian International Art Exhibition" (1997, Macau; 1998, Malaysia; 1999, Japan); "So- ciety– Shangh Art Gallery The Second Academic Invitational Exhibition" (2000, Chengdu, China); "City Slang– Modern Art in the Zhujiang River Delta" (2001, China); "Changing Phantasm– Asian Art 2000" (2001, UK); "Reshuffle– The Possible Use of Ink and Water in Modern Art" (2001, China).
LI Bangyao 李邦耀