MIAO Jingchang 苗景昌
Chinese 1966
Miao was born in the Hebei province of China.In 1990, he graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Inner Mongolia Normal University,specialized in oil painting. He served as the first-class teacher in Baogang Normal College and Sports College in Baotou, Inner Mongolia. His work White Villous Themeda entered the 2nd Chinese Annual Oil Painting Exhibition; A Clear Lake With Only One Fish was selected in "the 8th National Art Exhibition"; Western Landscape was selected in "Chinese Landscape Painting and Oil Painting Exhibition"; No Wind In The Past and Flat Landscape With No Sound entered "the Oil Painting Exhibition by Chinese Young Artist"s; A Warm Afternoon won "the Bronze Award in the 9th National Art Exhibition".

MIAO Jingchang 苗景昌