日本 1942-2019
關根伸夫,1942年出生於日本埼玉縣,1968年於多摩美術大學油畫系習得美術學位,師從極具影響力的抽象雕塑家齊藤義重,以及超現實主義和極簡主義藝術家高松次郎。畢業後以物派的代表人物,活躍於國際間的藝術展覽。物派,是日本戰後現代藝術的象徵性團體,而關根伸夫於1968年創作的「位相—大地」,被廣泛認為是物派運動的起源,也是當時最具代表性的日本藝術創作之一,對亞洲地區日後的大地、裝置、極簡藝術發展有顯著深遠的影響。 關根伸夫作品曾展於日本、美國、英國、法國、日本、韓國、義大利等地。作品受東京原美術館、豐田市美術館、川越市立美術館、大阪國立國際美術館、韓國果川市國立現代美術館、丹麥路易斯安那現代藝術博物館、荷蘭克勒勒—米勒博物館、挪威海尼昂斯塔藝術中心(Henie Onstad Kunstsenter)等機構收藏。 Nobuo Sekine was born in 1942 in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. In 1968, he obtained a degree in Fine Arts from Tama Art University, where he studied under influential abstract sculptor Yoshishige Saito, as well as surrealist and minimalist artist Jiro Takamatsu. After graduating, he became a prominent figure in the Mono-ha movement, actively participating in international art exhibitions. Mono-ha, symbolic of post-war modern art in Japan, and Sekine's 1968 work "Phase-Mother Earth," is widely regarded as the origin of the Mono-ha movement and one of the most representative Japanese artworks of the time. It has had a significant and lasting influence on the development of Land Art, Installation Art, and Minimalism in Asia. Nobuo Sekine's works have been exhibited in various countries including Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, South Korea, and Italy. His works are held in collections at institutions such as the Hara Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo, the Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, the Kawagoe City Art Museum, the National Museum of Art, Osaka, the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (Gwacheon), the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark, the Kröller-Müller Museum in the Netherlands, and the Henie Onstad Kunstsenter in Norway.